What is this all about?

"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” ― David W. Augsburger, Caring Enough to Hear and Be Heard.

These groups were first born as a space to listen deeply to one another without the need to fix or help or change anything. Then following on what you requested in the Teacher Wellness Survey, they have expanded into what we are now calling the Teacher Support Group.

Have you ever noticed how profound it is to really “Be Listened To”, not just “Heard”, but to be witnessed, seen and feel the presence of another persons attentive listening?

This experience on it’s own can bring a sense of ease, regulation and create an environment where you feel supported.

We feel this is so needed in our world. It offers us a moment to slow down, take a breath and catch up with ourselves.

"In a world where being busy and stressed is a status symbol, taking time to slow down is a revolutionary act." ― Kate

The focus of these Groups is to grow your capacity and develop your ability as a community to listen and be present with one another. To create a place where you feel seen and heard.

Belonging to a community of people with a similar vocation where you are able to show up - just as you are - and be accepted without someone trying to fix, help or heal you, is a life shifting experience.

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