How does it work?

The groups will be supported by an Explorare facilitator who is there to offer guidance and light facilitation.

We currently have 4 support facilitators, each running one support group a month. Each session will run for 60 minutes.

There is a maximum number of 20 people per group and we strongly encourage you to stick with a group once you have started. Trust your instinct about which group you would like to join. You can at any stage change groups if there is a opening in another group.

Each of the facilitators hold their own unique energy and personality.

For us, as facilitators, these are the foundations upon which our conversations rest. We are dedicated to creating a safe space for all of us on this course.

By signing up for this Listening Group you agree to the following:

To the best of my ability I will:

 1. Own my experience, by using “I” to speak.

2. Practice empathy for myself and others.

3. Approach content and discussions with curiosity.

4. Be honest in my communication, within what is appropriate and okay for me to share and communicate.

5. Be respectful towards another person’s perspective, even when their ideas, beliefs, and understanding of a situation differ from my own.

6. Practice loving-kindness, which is defined as showing tenderness and consideration towards self and others.

7. Maintain confidentiality - You are welcome to share with others about your experience. We request you do not speak about another person's experience or what they have shared within the group.

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