Download your Life Analysis Tool here

Life Analysis Tool

Download the PDF below which you will use to reflect on the eight aspects shown in the pie chart:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Health
  • Joy or vitality for life
  • Partner relationship
  • Play
  • Sleep
  • Work

Feel free to swap out at most two of the above if you have something else you feel is important to you. Ensure to keep in health, joy/vitality for life, play and sleep.

For each of the sections in the Life Analysis, reflect on how you FEEL about them RIGHT NOW. This is not a brain exercise, just drop into feeling and give yourself a number from 0 to 10, 0 being not so good and 10 being fantastic.

Remember it is really important to notice how you feel in your life, right now. What feels good? What feels out of balance? What you would like to change?

You cannot make a change if you are not aware.

And this is not a judgement thing. It is simply an opportunity to notice. With an awareness of how you feel and what you notice, you have a choice point.

Once you know where things are you can step towards changing them.

Unless we can look at our lives with honesty, we can never get out of cycles of unease and lack of aliveness ~ Kate

Questions for reflection

If you are struggling to rate the areas, remember that this is a felt sense exercise. Be honest. It is not a judgement and because this is something that can shift and change, it is reflective of what is happening in this moment.

For each aspect, we recommend that you:

  1. Name two feelings you are feeling about that area in your life. E.g. For work you may feel inspired and grateful, or stressed and overwhelmed.
  2. And then tune into the felt sense in your body and trust the number that comes up. Don't over-think it.

Once you have done this for all 8, reflect on these overall questions:

  1. What is the overall feeling of your life? Right now, in this moment.
  2. How resilient do you feel?
  3. How connected do you feel?
  4. How supported do you feel?

Remember, this tool is here to bring your awareness to how you feel right now. Once you have completed your Life Analysis chart, identify one or two areas where you would like to create some change.

  • Notice how you would like to feel instead of how you currently feel.
  • Think of one thing you can do to help you step towards that.

Go slow. Don't make too many choices. Make what you are going to change small and manageable. Start there.

Only after consistently managing a change in an area and you start to notice shift there, then use the technique again in another area.

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